Markets We Serve


Planet Pharmacies is rapidly gaining traction with coverage across multiple countries in the GCC. Our operational efficiencies span markets like KSA, UAE, Oman and Kuwait. Our aim is to successfully operate more than 200 pharmacies in UAE, KSA and Oman by end of 2016. We will continue growing with the same velocity as we have done in the recent past, based on growing positive stakeholder sentiments, as well the immense trust placed by our esteemed customers. We have gained good exposure in the 2 main markets –UAE and Oman. This has allowed Planet Pharmacies to build successful operations in both the retail division as well as the strategic distribution division. For those who want to showcase their international brands at our pharmacies, our mutual venture can prove to be a win-win situation and allow both to grow in our respective businesses.


We currently have 115+ retail pharmacies and wholesale distribution in the following regions:

  • UAE
    Pharmacies 80+
    Distribution Customers1700+
    Products 8,000+
  • OMAN
    Pharmacies 35+
    Distribution Customers350+